Kinesiology Services

Our Kinesiologists at Spark Rehabilitation use evidence-based research to treat and prevent injury and disease, and to improve movement and performance. They work with all ages and groups of people to help them achieve their health goals and improve quality of life.

What We Do...


  • Ergonomics Assessments

    Ergonomics is a broad field that works to improve overall system performance by improving how people interact with the tools, equipment and technology in their work environment. It also enhances how work process are designed and carried out with a primary goal to improve comfort, safety, and productivity of workers.

    We provide a number of ergonomic consulting services including office assessments, industrial assessments, job demands analyses, and educational seminars.

    Contact us to have our ergonomic consultant come help improve your work environment.

  • Functional Capacity Evaluations

    Functional Capacity Evaluations (FCE) determine whether the functional abilities one demonstrates during the evaluation match the physical demands of one’s job. An FCE will provide important information about potential job modifications, restrictions and accommodations, and recommendations for any additional rehabilitation recommended before or during a return to work. FCE results will be compared against the essential job demands (determined via the completion of a Physical Demands Analysis (PDA).

    FCE includes 3 components:

    1)  A thorough interview including a medical document review

    2)  Standardized questionnaires to gain a measure of psychosocial behaviour

    3)  The functional assessment 

  • Physical Demands Analysis

    What is a Physical Demands Analysis (PDA)?

    Also known as a Job Site Analysis, a PDA is an on-site evaluation that analyzes the employee’s job demands and identifies the physical activities factors required to perform each job task. Critical job demands are assessed and other job demands may be assessed by request. PDAs will be compared against FCE results to assist in determining if an employee is able to return to work and what job modifications are needed.

  • Post-Offer Employment Test

    Post-Offer Employment Tests (POET) ensure that applicants for physically demanding jobs have the physical ability to do a job before they begin working (after they have been provided with a job offer). The goal is to reduce work-related injuries. POET’s test the essential job tasks and are based on the PDA.

Services (cont'd):

  • Work Hardening

  • Fitness Assessments

  • Exercise Prescription

  • GLA:d Canada Program

    The GLA:d Canada Program is a service one of our Kinesiologists provides to help manage hip and knee osteoarthritis. For more information, click here

Some areas of kinesiology practice include:

  • Health promotion/public health
  • Injury rehabilitation
  • Chronic disease management
  • Ergonomics and workplace safety
  • Fitness and athletics
  • Return to work planning and disability management

Conditions our Kin Team Can Treat...

Our registered Kinesiologists at Spark Rehabilitation Services have experience working with non-acute musculoskeletal conditions, including:

  • Chronic Pain

    Chronic pain is defined as pain that lasts at least 12 weeks. The pain may feel sharp or dull, causing a burning or aching sensation in the affected areas. It may be steady or intermittent, coming and going without any apparent reason. Chronic pain can occur in nearly any part of your body, and severity and frequency of chronic pain can differ among individuals.  

  • Back Pain

    Low Back Pain (LBP) is quite common. Roughly 80% of individuals will experience a significant episode of low back pain at least once in their lives.  The majority of people will recover completely in less than 6 weeks with appropriate care and exercises. Some patients may require more intensive forms of therapy such as spinal mobilization and manipulation. 

  • Golfer’s Elbow

    Golfer’s Elbow (medial epicondylitis) is a common strain injuries caused by overuse of forearm muscles through repetitive actions. The pain and symptoms are a result of injury and/or inflammation to the tendon that attaches to the inner part of the elbow bone. Common symptoms include tenderness on the outside (tennis elbow) or inside (golfer’s elbow) of the elbow and pain with gripping, pushing, pulling or carrying objects with your hand/wrist.

  • Dupuytren’s Contracture

    Dupuytren’s Contracture (DC) is hand deformity that usually develops throughout the course of many years. As the condition progresses, the skin on your palm might appear puckered or dimpled in certain areas. Typically, a firm lump of tissue can form on your palm. The lump may be sensitive to the touch. Over time, cords of fibrotic tissue can form and tighten under the skin on your palm and can spread up and into your fingers. As these cords thicken and tighten, your fingers may be bent/pulled toward your palm. The affected fingers cannot be straightened completely, which can complicate everyday activities such as placing your hands in your pockets, putting on gloves or shaking hands. DC can affect any finger, but most often the ring pinky, and middle fingers are affected. DC can affect one or more fingers at a time. 


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